Doorstep Bengaluru Airport Pickup / Drop for as low as ₹400 only!

Surge Pricing

Manipulation of surge areas, particularly around airport pickups and drops

During my six months in the cab service business, We've encountered new learnings daily. Recently, We discovered some practices in the industry that raise questions about ethics. One such practice is the manipulation of surge areas , particularly concerning airport pickups during nighttime. Despite no or very minimal traffics and lot of cars were their on airport for pickups, these areas are marked as surge zones can we seen in below screenshot , leading to inflated prices for customers. Drivers, aware of these surges area by seeing it in driver app , often strategically go offline to contribute to the surge, resulting in higher fares for passengers. . We don't know why these surge prices are not regulated .. its fine to have surge may be by 10%-20 but beyond that its not viable. It's concerning to see such practices impacting customers, who end up paying 50% - 70% more for their rides.

At QuicReach, we prioritise transparency and simplicity. Currently, we do not implement surge pricing; instead, we offer straightforward pricing structures, allowing customers to see exactly how their fare is calculated. While we may consider surge pricing in the future based on factors like traffic or peak hours, we believe it should be regulated and capped at reasonable levels, such as 10% - 20%. Surge pricing should not be driven by arbitrary factors or business strategies but rather by genuine demand.

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Have you ever questioned how your cab fare was calculated?

Here at QuicReach, we're committed to providing comfortable and economical transportation solutions. Our airport cabs offer hassle-free rides to ensure you catch your flights on time. Currently available in Bengaluru, our services include:

  • 🚗 Airport Shared cabs starting at just ₹400
  • 🚕 Airport Personal cabs starting at ₹650
  • 🏡 Doorstep pick-up and drop-off For more details, visit here