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Driver Privacy Policy

As we update, improve and expand QuicReach this privacy policy may change, so please refer to it periodically. By accessing the QuicReach you give us your clear consent to collect, store, and use the information you provide (including any changes thereto as provided by you) for any of the services that we offer.

QuicReach [Our mobile application, currently on iOS and ANDROID (is a trademark of Google LLC) – Google Play], is owned and operated by Common Fleet Private Limited (hereinafter referred as QuicReach We, Our, Us, Company, App). QuicReach offers its users with carpooling services and an exceptional travel experience. This Privacy Policy applies to information collected through the services, as well as other information provided to us online or offline by Users, Advertisers and other customers or users of our mobile application; however, it does not apply to information collected from our employees, contractors or vendors.

By accessing and/or using the QuicReach, application, website or other services, you agree to this privacy policy and the terms of Use of the QuicReach app and give consent to the collection, transfer, operation, storage, disclosure and other uses of your information as described in this Privacy Policy. Do not access or use our services (QuicReach) by any means or technology which conceals your actual geo-location or is unable to provide accurate details of the location (for example, use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to access QuicReach Services).

If you have any doubts about this Privacy policy or how QuicReach uses your personal information, shared preferences, or similar technologies, please contact QuicReach on or else stop using the services altogether.

As part of our efforts to provide you better access and control over the information which we collect and process about you, we require you to download and use the latest version of the QuicReach available at the Google Play store. If you continue to use an older version of the App, we would not be responsible or liable for the collection, storage, and processing of your information. You are required to update to the most current version of the app.

Information we collect from you:

For Operation services:
To operate QuicReach’s services and to provide you with information about products or services that may be of interest to you, QuicReach may collect personal information from you. You represent and warrant that you have the authority to provide us with any such information.

  • name
  • gender
  • contact number
  • device used, etc., during signing up / account creation and profile verification.
  • Data created during use of our products and services, such as location, route chosen, start and end timings, app usage, and device data.
  • Data from other sources, such as QuicReach partners and third parties that use QuicReach APIs

Data provided by you to QuicReach includes:

Your profile:
When you create/update your account with QuicReach, we collect data about you including but not limited to name, email, gender, phone number, company working for, profession, Official email id, home location, office location, referring user through promocode and profile picture. We also collect the Payment method information (Wallet linking, Credit card, Debit card, etc.,) and Redemption information (choice of redemption mechanism like Bank information, wallets, etc.,

Your profile Verification:
To verify your profile, we may collect Company official email id, Driver’s License, Government identification document such as Aadhaar card details, etc.,

Vehicle information such as Model, Type, Registration number, Picture etc., are collected

Emergency contact information: The contact details of emergency contact as given by you

Your date of birth: age provide by you

Your Skills and Hobbies: A little bio provide by you

Demographic data: We may collect demographic data about you, for rendering our services.

Your Feedback: We collect and store your feedback on other users and QuicReach products and services and store the same.

Data created during use of our products and services, includes the following:

Your’s Location data :QuicReach collects this data when the app is running in the foreground (app open and on-screen) or background (app open but not on-screen) of your mobile device. We collect precise or approximate location data from your mobile devices if they enable us to do so. QuicReach collects this data from the time a ride is requested until it is finished, and any time the app is running in the foreground of their mobile device. We use this data to enhance your use of our apps, including to improve accurate matching options, improve coordination among carpooling partners in a ride, improve pick-up locations, to enable user convenient features of automatic start, stop, check-in of rides based on matching locations, to enable safety features and to provide customer support.

Transaction information :We collect transaction information related to the use of our services, including the type of services requested or provided, date and time the service was provided, amount charged, distance travelled, promotion codes, route travelled and payment methods.

Usage data :We collect data about how users interact with our services. This includes data such as access dates and times, app features or pages viewed, app crashes and other system activity, type of browser, and third-party sites or services used before interacting with our services. The information is collected through Logs, events, Cookies or any other channels.

Device data :We may collect data about the devices used to access our services, including the hardware models, device IP address, operating systems and versions, software, unique device identifiers, advertising identifiers, serial numbers, device motion data, and mobile network data, etc.,

Payment and Redemption information :Users payment information for services, and redemption information for services offered. The payment instrument used, date and time, transaction id, amount are recorded and stored in the system.

Data from other sources includes the following:

  • User feedback, such as ratings, feedback, and complaints
  • Users or others providing information in connection with claims or disputes.
  • Vendors who help us verify users’ identity, background information for regulatory, safety, and security purposes.
  • Publicly available sources.
  • Marketing service providers.

Usage of User’s Personal Data:

QuicReach uses the user’s personal information to efficiently operate QuicReach platform, to contact and notify Users regarding their matching users, transactions and other activities on the QuicReach platform. To operate the QuicReach platform, including processing your transactions and supporting User activities on the QuicReach platform, we may share User’s personal information with our agents, representatives, contractors and service providers so they can provide us with support services, customer relationship management services and order fulfilment.

QuicReach collects and uses data to enable reliable and convenient ride sharing services. QuicReach also use the data for following purposes:

  • To effectively match our users to ride share.
  • To enhance the safety and security of our users and services
  • For customer support
  • For research and development
  • To send marketing and non-marketing communications to users
  • In connection with legal proceedings

QuicReach uses the data it collects for purposes including:

Providing services and features: QuicReach also uses the data we collect to provide, personalize, maintain, and improve our products and services. This includes using the data to:

  • Create and update users’ accounts.
  • Verify Users profile and identity.
  • Enable ride sharing and other services.
  • Offer, process, or facilitate payments for the services.
  • Track and share the progress of rides.
  • Enable features that allow users to share information with other people, such as Conversation, Feedback, etc., or share ETA and location with their contacts.
  • Perform internal operations necessary to provide our services, including to troubleshoot software bugs and operational problems; to conduct data analysis, testing, and research; and to monitor and analyze usage and activity trends.

Safety and security: We use personal data to help maintain the safety, security, and integrity of our services and users. This includes:

  • Screening and verifying users before enabling their use of our services and at subsequent intervals, including through reviews, to help prevent use of our services by unsafe users / riders.
  • Using data from Users devices to help identify unsafe driving behaviour such as speeding or harsh braking and acceleration, deviation from agreed routes and to inform them of safer driving practices.
  • We also use data from users’ devices to verify on-time start, on-time reaching pickup point by riders.
  • Using device, location, profile, usage, and other data to prevent, detect, and combat fraud or unsafe activities.
  • Using user ratings and feedback to encourage compliance with our ride etiquette and ride sharing guidelines and as grounds for deactivating users with low ratings or who otherwise violated such guidelines.

Customer support: QuicReach uses the information we collect to provide customer support, including to:

  • Direct questions to the appropriate customer support person
  • Investigate and address user concerns
  • Monitor and improve our customer support responses and processes

Research and development: We may use the data we collect for testing, research, analysis, product development, and machine learning to improve the user experience. This helps us to improve and enhance the safety and security of our services, improve our ability to prevent the use of our services for illegal or improper purposes, develop new features and products, and facilitate insurance and finance solutions in connection with our services.

Marketing Activitie:QuicReach may use the data collect to market our services to our users. We may use the data we collect to personalize the marketing communications (including advertisements) that we send, including based on user location, past use of QuicReachs services, Locations and Routes travelled and user preferences and settings.

Non-marketing communications: QuicReach may use the data we collect to generate and provide users with receipts; inform them of changes to our terms, services, or policies; or send other communications that arent for the purpose of marketing the services or products of QuicReach or its partners

Legal proceedings and requirements: We may use the personal data we collect to investigate or address claims or disputes relating to use of QuicReach’s services, or as otherwise allowed by applicable law, or as requested by regulators, government entities, and official inquiries.

Automated decision-making: We use personal data to make automated decisions relating to use of our services. This includes:

  • Automatic Start and Ending Rides
  • Automatic matching of users as per preferences
  • Matching users based on Location, route, time, company working for and Gender
  • Using rating, feedbacks to decide about continuing/suspending users on QuicReach platform
  • Fraud detection
  • Using user’s locations and communications to decide and apply cancellation fees etc.

Editing Users personal Information:

QuicReach provides the users with the ability to access and edit your personal information through editing profile, account and settings. QuicReach’s databases automatically update any personal information edited and saved.

Data sharing and disclosure:

Some of QuicReach’s products, services, and features require that we share data with other users or at a user’s request. We may also share data with our affiliates, subsidiaries, and partners, for legal reasons or in connection with claims or disputes.Given below the details on when the information may be shared for what purposes.

With the general public:

Questions or comments from users submitted through public forums such as QuicReach blogs and QuicReach social media pages may be viewable by the public, including any personal data included in the questions or comments submitted by a user.

With QuicReach Parent Company, Subsidiaries and Affiliates:

We share data with our subsidiaries and affiliates to help us provide our services or conduct data processing on our behalf. We also may disclose your personal information to our subsidiary, parent companies, affiliated legal entities and businesses with whom we are under common corporate control. Whenever personal information is disclosed under this paragraph, we may also disclose your demographic information along with it, on a non-anonymous basis. All our parent, subsidiary and affiliated legal entities and businesses that receive your personal information or non-anonymous demographic information from us will comply with the terms of this privacy policy with respect to their use and disclosure of such information.

With QuicReach Vendors, Service providers and Business Partners:

QuicReach may partner with third party verification, payment, redemption products, to offer you the seamless Carpooling experience. As you access and use our services we collect information such as, but not limited to - phone number, email address, company working, device make-details and IP address. We may disclose to third party integrated services like Firebase certain information to ensure smooth experience of Verification and Payment systems. Please also refer to the integrated third party’s privacy policy for more details. Any third party with whom we are allowed to share your personal information is authorized to use your personal information in accordance with our contractual agreements with such third parties and in accordance with their own privacy policies, over which we have no control and you agree that we are not responsible or liable for any of their actions or omissions. Those who contact you will need to be instructed by you directly regarding references for the use of your personal information by them. QuicReach provides data to vendors, consultants, marketing partners, research firms, and other service providers or business partners. These include:

  • Payment processors and facilitators
  • Background check and identity verification providers
  • Cloud storage providers
  • Google, in connection with the use of Google Maps in QuicReach’s apps
  • Marketing partners and marketing platform providers, including social media advertising services
  • Data analytics providers
  • Research partners, including those performing surveys or research projects in partnership with QuicReach or on QuicReach’s behalf
  • Vendors that assist QuicReach to enhance the safety and security of its apps
  • Consultants, lawyers, accountants, and other professional service providers
  • Insurance and financing partners
  • Corporate / Enterprises, Tech Parks
  • Any other relevant to QuicReach Business growth and to offer services

Transfer of Ownership or Assets or Bankruptcy:

Your personal information may be passed on to a third party in the event of a transfer of ownership or assets or bankruptcy. We may also disclose personal information when we determine that such disclosure is necessary to comply with applicable law, to cooperate with law enforcement agencies or to protect the interests or safety of QuicReach or other users of QuicReach services. This also includes sharing personal data with others in connection with, or during negotiations of, any merger, sale of company assets, consolidation or restructuring, financing, or acquisition of all or a portion of our business by or into another company. We may review all demographic data. We may use demographic information to tailor the QuicReach platform and communications to Users interests.

For legal reasons or in the event of a dispute:

QuicReach reserves the right to disclose the User’s information for Legal, Police and Government authorities as per the requests. This includes sharing personal data with law enforcement officials, public health officials, other government authorities, airports (if required by the airport authorities as a condition of operating on airport property), or other third parties as necessary to enforce our terms of Service, user agreements, or other policies; to protect QuicReach’s rights or property or the rights, safety, or property of others; or in the event of a claim or dispute relating to the use of our services.

Grounds for processing:

We only collect and use personal data where we have lawful grounds to do so. These include processing user personal data to provide requested services and features, for purposes of QuicReach’s legitimate interests or those of other parties, to fulfill our legal obligations, or based on consent. We collect and use personal data only where we have one or more lawful grounds for doing so. Such grounds may vary depending on where our users are located, but generally include processing personal data: QuicReach may collect and use personal data based on the user’s consent. A user who has provided consent to a collection or use of their personal data can revoke it at any time. However, the user will not be able to use any service or feature that requires collection or use of that personal data.

Data Subject Rights/Your Rights:

Right to be Informed: You have the right to be informed for the collection of Personal Information except in some instances, for example, where the information is already contained in, or derived from, a public record, or has deliberately been made public by you, or where the collection of the information from another source would not prejudice your legitimate interest

Right to access: You, having provided adequate proof of identity, has the right to request QuicReach to confirm, free of charge, whether or not QuicReach holds about your information. You may also request for a description of the personal information within a reasonable time. The information provided to you shall be in a reasonable manner and in a form that is generally understandable. QuicReach may refuse access to records where the record contains legally privileged documents.

Right to erasure: QuicReach allows you the right to request to correct or delete your personal information that is inaccurate, irrelevant, and excessive, or which QuicReach is no longer authorised to retain. You have the right to request that QuicReach delete any or all of the personal information that QuicReach collected from you and retained, subject to certain exceptions. Upon QuicReach receipt and confirmation of a verifiable consumer request from you, QuicReach will, unless an exception applies, delete (and direct any of our service providers having such information to delete) your personal information from QuicReach? records. Under certain conditions, QuicReach may deny your deletion request for deletion if retaining the information is necessary for QuicReach or our service provider(s) to:

  • Protect the product/app and detect security incidents, including preventing fraudulent, deceptive, malicious, or illegal activity, or enforcing the law against those responsible for such actions.
  • Comply with the applicable laws.
  • Adhere to any legal obligation.
  • Provide the service you have requested for, complete a purpose for which QuicReach has obtained the personal information, to carry out any contract with you, do any other actions we may reasonably foresee in the course of our ongoing commercial relationship with you within the context of QuicReach.
  • Participate in peer-reviewed or public historical, scientific, or statistical research in the public interest that complies with all other applicable privacy laws and ethical constraints, when the information’s deletion may likely seriously impair or render impossible the research’s achievement if you previously provided informed consent.
  • Troubleshoot or debug products, including identifying and repairing errors and intended functionality impairments.
  • Enable solely internal uses that are reasonably aligned with consumer expectations based on your relationship with us.
  • Make other lawful and internal uses of that information that are compatible with the context in which you provided it.

Exercising Deletion Rights: To exercise your deletion rights described above, please submit a verifiable consumer request to QuicReach sending an email to QuicReach at Only you, or a person registered with the appropriate authority authorized by you to act on your behalf, may make a verifiable consumer request related to your personal information.

Right to object/Opt-out: You have the right to opt out of certain uses and disclosures of your Personal Information. When you have consented to QuicReach App processing of your Personal Information or other information, you may withdraw that consent at any time and opt-out of further processing, by contacting

Response Timing and Format: QuicReach makes efforts to respond to a verifiable consumer request within 45 days of its receipt. If we require more time (up to 90 days), QuicReach will inform you of the reason and extension period in writing. If you have an account with the QuicReach will deliver its written response to that account. If you do not have an account with us, or a response is not capable of being sent thereto, QuicReach will deliver our written response by mail or electronically, at your option. Any disclosures QuicReach provides will only cover the 12-month period preceding the verifiable consumer request’s receipt. If applicable, the response QuicReach provides will also explain the reasons QuicReach cannot comply with a request.

Contact Information:

In the event you have any customer/technical issues in relation to the processing of information provided by you, you may contact us at